You must know that
A Province Governor recognises as a Polish citizen
a foreigner residing continuously on the territory of the Republic of Poland for at least 3 years on the basis of a permanent residence permit, a residence permit for a long-term resident of the European Union or the right of permanent residence, who has a stable and regular source of income in the Republic of Poland and the legal title to occupy a dwelling,
a foreigner residing continuously on the territory of the Republic of Poland for at least 2 years on the basis of a permanent residence permit, a residence permit for a long-term European Union resident or the right of permanent residence, who has been married for at least 3 years to a Polish citizen or has no citizenship,
a foreigner residing continuously on the territory of the Republic of Poland for at least 2 years on the basis of a permanent residence permit obtained in connection with having a refugee status granted in the Republic of Poland
a minor foreigner residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a permanent residence permit, a residence permit for a long-term EU resident or the right of permanent residence, one of whose parents is a Polish citizen and the other parent who is not a Polish citizen has agreed to this recognition
a minor foreigner residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a permanent residence permit, a residence permit for a long-term EU resident or the right of permanent residence, of whom at least one parent has been restored Polish citizenship and the other parent who is not a Polish citizen has agreed to this recognition,
a foreigner residing continuously and legally on the territory of the Republic of Poland for at least 10 years, who meets all of the following conditions has a permanent residence permit, a residence permit for a long-term resident of the European Union or a right of permanent residence or has a stable and regular source of income in the Republic of Poland and a legal title to occupy a dwelling;
a foreigner residing continuously on the territory of the Republic of Poland for at least one year on the basis of a permanent residence permit, which permit was obtained in connection with Polish ancestry or the Card of the Pole held.
The provision of Article 195(4) of the Act on Foreigners of 12 December 2013 applies to determine whether you are continuously residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
Recognition as a Polish citizen takes place at your request and extends to your children, with the consent of the other parent, and if the child is over 16 years of age, their consent is also required.
Recognition as a Polish citizen shall be refused if you do not meet the obligatory (obligatory) - aforementioned - prerequisites or if your acquisition of Polish citizenship constitutes a threat to state defence or security or the protection of public security and order.
Documents you need to submit:
application for recognition as a Polish citizen drawn up in the Polish language on an officially specified form (1 item),
biometric photograph (1) - colour photograph, size 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm, taken within the last 6 months on a uniform bright background, clearly showing the eyes and face from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders, without a headgear or dark glasses, looking straight ahead with eyes open, hair not hidden, and mouth closed
the original of your recent full copy of the birth certificate issued by a Polish civil registry office, showing your full name, date and place of birth, father's full name, mother's full name and sex,
original of a recent full copy of your marriage certificate issued by a Polish vital records registry office (with relevant annotations in the case of divorce or death of a spouse),
a photocopy of your valid document confirming your identity and citizenship (foreign passport, travel document or identity card of an EU citizen),
a photocopy of your permit for permanent residence in Poland, settlement or long-term resident's EC residence permit
a photocopy of your current permanent residence card, long-term resident's card of the European Union or a document confirming the right of permanent residence (EU),
official confirmation of your Polish language skills, i.e. certificate of graduation from a school with Polish as the language of instruction or certificate issued by the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language (at least B1 level) - not applicable to minors,
photocopies of documents confirming a stable and regular source of income, e.g. current certificate of employment, PIT return for the previous year, current certificate from the municipal office confirming possession of a farm,
statement concerning the dates of departure from and return to Poland and the places of residence abroad in the periods specified in Article 30(1) of the Act on Polish Citizenship,
a photocopy of a document confirming the legal title to occupy a dwelling,
photocopies of documents proving professional achievements and political and social activities,
a photocopy of a document confirming the citizenship of the foreign spouse
a photocopy of documents confirming having Polish citizenship in the past or applying for it
a proof of payment of stamp duty for issuing a decision on recognition as a Polish citizen,
other documents confirming the information included in the application, not listed above.
If you exercise parental authority over a minor foreigner, you shall additionally enclose
a photograph of the minor covered by the application, meeting the requirements indicated above,
an original of his/her current full copy of birth certificate, issued by a Polish vital records registry office, containing his/her first name and surname, date and place of birth, father's first name and surname, mother's first name and family name and sex
a photocopy of a valid document confirming the minor's identity and nationality (foreign passport, travel document or identity card of an EU citizen),
a photocopy of the minor's residence card and the residence permit (decision of the voivode) - if they have been issued,
a statement of consent to recognise the minor as a Polish citizen. It is accepted for protocol from the other parent by the locally competent: voivode - if the parent resides in Poland. A Polish consul accepts this declaration - from a person residing abroad or staying in Poland on the basis of a visa or in visa-free regime. If the statement is submitted to another voivode or consul, enclose a document confirming this information.
statement of an alien minor who is 16 years of age or older on granting a consent for being recognized as a Polish citizen. It shall be recorded in the protocol by the locally competent: voivode - if the minor resides in Poland. A Polish consul shall accept this statement from a minor residing abroad or staying in Poland on the basis of a visa or in visa-free regime. If the statement is made before another voivode or consul, attach a document confirming that information.
Please note:
in the course of the proceedings, the authority is entitled to request that you submit additional documents or information necessary to clarify the facts accurately
you must submit original copies of civil status documents. Photocopies of other documents must be certified officially by a Polish notary public or free of charge at the Opole Voivodship Office in Opole on the day of filing the application. You must then present the original document for inspection and your own photocopies
the data contained in Polish civil status records, residence card and foreign passport should be uniform
documents drawn up in a foreign language should be submitted together with their translation into Polish made or certified by a sworn translator or consul (Article 12 of the Polish Citizenship Act)
the period of validity of your passport and residence card when you apply for recognition as a Polish citizen should not be shorter than 3 months
Place of application:
Opolski Urząd Wojewódzki
Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich i Cudzoziemców
Oddział ds. Cudzoziemców (Centrum Obsługi Cudzoziemca)
telephone: 77 45-24-607, 77 45-24-610, 77 45-24-691, 77 45-24-126
Customer reception hours:
Monday from 7:45 do 16:30
Tuesday to Friday from 7:45 do 15:00
You can only submit a complete application during an appointment.
Booking a visit
Deadline for handling the case:
Within 2 months. This time limit does not include the time allowed for the consultative bodies to take a position, periods during which proceedings are suspended and periods of delay caused by the fault of the party or by reasons beyond the control of the authority.