CIC Regulations
in the Project entitled "Building structures for integration of foreigners in Poland - stage II - piloting integration centers for foreigners" implemented by the Voivodeship Labor Office in Opole in partnership with the Ministry of Family and Social Policy and the Regional Center for Social Policy in Poznań, financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (FAMI) and the State Budget.
§ 1
General arrangements
1. The Project entitled "Building structures for integration of foreigners in Poland - stage II - piloting integration centers for foreigners" (hereinafter referred to as the Project) is carried out by the Voivodeship Labour Office in Opole within the framework of functioning of the Centre for Integration of Foreigners (hereinafter referred to as CIC- Centrum Integracji Cudzoziemców).
2. Project office is located at 7 Damrota Street, 46-064 Opole.
3. Project office is open from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. (on Wednesdays till 6.00 p.m.) and on Saturdays 10.00-14.00, telephone: 77 440 14 98
4. The project covers the Opolskie Voivodeship, but there is a possibility to include people from outside this area, if necessary.
5. Project implementation period: 01.10.2021 - 31.12.2022.
6. The actual opening of the CIC for customers is 10.03.2022.
7. Participation in the project is free of charge.
8. The following forms of support are planned within the framework of the Project
1) trainings in Polish as a foreign language for adults,
2) training courses in Polish technical language,
3) training courses in Polish as a foreign language for children,
4) adaptation courses for foreigners that aim at to familiarize them with basic rights and obligations, the integration system in Poland as well as services, institutions and other organizations that support foreigners,
5) assistance of a psychologist, legal advisor or advocate, career counselor and translator,
6) assistant services for foreigners,
7) trainings for representatives of institutions supporting foreigners.
9. The Rules and Regulations set out:
1) conditions of participation,
2) rules of participation,
3) rules of using assistant services provided by intercultural advisors,
4) rules of using translations,
5) rules of using legal aid
6) rules of using psychologist and career counselor,
7) rules of monitoring,
8) rules of resignation from participation in the project.
10. In outstanding matters requiring resolution, the final decision shall be made by the CIC manager.
§ 2
Terms of participation
The project is addressed to foreigners, citizens of third countries outside the European Union, referred to below:
1. Foreigners who are not EU citizens and who are legally residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland in accordance in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Foreigners of 12 December 2013 (Dz. U. z 2021 r. poz. 2354 as amended) (hereinafter the Act):
a) on the basis of a visa referred to in Article 60 (1) points. 4-6, 9-13, 17, 18a-21, 23-25 of the Act,
b) on the basis of a temporary residence permit, permanent residence (art.195, except for paragraph 1(6a) of the Act, but this exclusion does not apply to those who have received a residence permit for humanitarian reasons),
c) a residence permit for a long-term EU resident (art. 211 of the Act),
d) on the basis of a document confirming possession of a tolerated stay permit called "permit for tolerated stay" (Article 226 p. 5 of the Act),
e) on the basis of a humanitarian residence permit;
f) on the basis of a document that allows to stay in Poland in accordance with Article 32 - (NOTE: applies only to citizens of Ukraine residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland since 24 February 2022).
2. children of persons mentioned in point 1 (who are not EU citizens) born in the territory of the Republic of Poland. and children of Ukrainian citizens residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland in accordance with Article 32 of the Law on Foreigners from 24.02.2022. Other children are subject respectively to the conditions of pt. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 i 12;
3. Foreigners that have applied for a residence permit for a specified period of time under the abolition procedure, and currently residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a stamp, who:
a) have applied for a temporary residence permit (art.108, paragraph 1, point 2 of the Act),
b) have applied for a permanent residence permit ( art.. 206 p.1, pt.2 of the Act),
c) have applied for a long-term resident's EU residence permit,
d) have applied for the extension of a Schengen visa or a national visa (art. p. 1 pt 1 of the Act), where the justification is in accordance with one of the following purposes indicated in art. 60 p.1: pt. 4-6, 9-13, 17, 18a-21, 23-25 of the Act,
e) have applied for an extension of their stay under visa-free movement on the territory of the Republic of Poland (art. 300 p. 4 of the Act);
4. foreigners who are staying in the territory of the Republic of Poland under the visa-free movement;
5. foreigners who are not EU citizens, residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland, who are in the process of obtaining a permit for legal residence in Poland, provided that the support for these people is limited to assistance in obtaining legal residence;
6. spouses, ascendants and descendants of persons indicated in points. 1 - 4 and 7 and 8, to the extent necessary for effective implementation of the activities, including those who are citizens of Poland or other European Union countries;
7. non-EU citizens legally residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland, who have applied for:
a) providing the foreigner with a temporary residence permit (art. 108 of the Act),
b) providing the foreigner with a permanent residence permit (art. 206 of the Act),
c) providing a foreigner with a residence permit for a long-term resident of the European Union (art. 223 of the Act),
d) extension of a Schengen visa or a national visa (art. 87 of the Act), where the justification is in accordance with one of the following purposes indicated in art. 60 p.1: pts. 4-6, 9-13, 17, 18a-21, 23-25 of the Act,
e) extend the period of stay under the visa-free regime within the territory of the Republic of Poland (Article 300 of the Act) and obtained a stamp in the travel document confirming submission of the application for a permit (provided that the persons who have submitted the application as described in points (a) - (e) but did not obtain a stamp in the travel document will only be able to benefit from the support limited to assistance in obtaining legal residence in Poland, and will be able to benefit from the full support from the moment of obtaining a stamp in the travel document);
8. foreigners who are not EU citizens and who are legally residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland in accordance with 9) foreigners who are not EU citizens, residing legally on the territory of the Republic of Poland, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 14 July 2006 on the entry into, residence in and exit from the Republic of Poland of nationals of the European Union Member States and their family members (Dz. and their family members (Dz. U. 2021, no. 1697 ) based on the right of residence for more than 3 months (art. 18 of the Act) or the right of permanent residence (art. 43 of the Act);
9. from 1st January 2021 British citizens legally residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland;
10. individuals in possession of refugee status or subsidiary protection status within the meaning of directive 2011/95/EU;
11. individuals under temporary protection within the meaning of the directive 2001/55/WE;
12. Individuals who are being resettled or have been resettled in a Member State or individuals who are being transferred or have been transferred from a Member State.
§ 3
Rules of participation in the project
1. Recruitment for the Project will take place taking into account the principle of equal opportunities, including the principle of gender equality. Equal access to the Project is assumed for both women and men in the group of potential Project Participants.
2. Candidates, before submitting the recruitment documents, are obliged to read the entire text of the Regulations.
3. The Regulations are available at the CIC office and on the website
4. A candidate gains the status of a participant after completing a declaration of participation in the project together with the consent to the processing of personal data and after presenting a document confirming the data contained in the declaration, including meeting the conditions included in § 2. Templates of declaration of participation in the project together with the consent to the processing of personal data are enclosed as Attachment No. 1a to the Regulations (for an adult) and Attachment No. 1b (for a child).
5. The participant is obliged each time to personally put a legible signature on all documents confirming participation in each form of received support.
6. The participant is obliged to regularly participate in the forms of support to which he/she has signed up.
7. A participant who misses without justification more than 30% of the hours scheduled for a given activity may be excluded from the list of participants. A decision on removing a participant from the list of participants is made by the CIC Manager. In justified cases, the CIC Manager may indicate a form of compensating the participant's absence.
8. Long-term forms of support - e.g. Polish language - will be directed to individuals whose documents indicate the possibility of legal residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland until the completion of this form of support in the full number of hours.
§ 4
Terms of assistance services provided by intercultural advisors
1. Participants interested, inter alia, in obtaining support in the area of legalization of stay of foreigners, in particular in filling out applications for legalization of stay and work, have the opportunity to use the assistance of an intercultural advisor also in the form of assistance services (in case of unavailability, by prior arrangement).
2. The role of intercultural counselors is to:
1) assistance in completing applications for, among others, legalization of stay and issuing necessary forms for legalizing residence,
2) assistance in the preparation of necessary documents,
3) providing information on the rules of procedure in matters of legalization of residence and work permit,
4) arrangement of consultations with a legal advisor or advocate with or without translation service,
5) arranging an appointments with a psychologist with or without translation services,
6) scheduling an appointments with a career counselor with or without translation services,
7) providing a referral for a sworn translation service.
§ 5
Terms of translation services
1. Each project participant has the right to use the translation services free of charge.
2. There is a limit of 10 pages of documents to be translated per person.
3. In exceptional situations this amount may be increased by decision of the manager of CIC.
4. The decision on the possibility of translation of documents is made each time by an employee of the Information Point or an intercultural advisor, verifying the need for legal residence.
5. Translations must concern persons or have an impact on persons who are legally residing in the Republic of Poland.
6. The translation must not involve third parties, except for children.
§ 6
Terms of legal counsel services
1. Participants have the opportunity to obtain free legal assistance in the areas of, among others, immigration law, family law, guardianship, labor law and social security, health insurance, education, social help and housing law.
2. For receiving legal advice, visit the Information Point or the Intercultural Advisor, where an appointment with a legal advisor or advocate will be arranged.
§ 7
Terms of use for psychological and career counseling services
1. The number of hours of support is limited and depends on an individual decision of a career counselor and a psychologist.
2. Psychological assistance is provided only to those who cannot receive such assistance free of charge in other institutions in accordance with generally applicable regulations.
§ 8
1. Participant using CIC services such as psychologist, legal counselling, career counselling, translation of meetings or documents is obliged to attend the consultations confirmed by his/her personal signature on the attendance list or to notify the Information Desk at CIC or the Intercultural Counsellor about an excused absence at least two days before the consultation.
2. Unexcused absence from an appointment results in restricted access to CIC services.
§ 9
1. Participant is obliged to sign attendance lists and to complete evaluation surveys conducted within the Project.
2. The participant is obliged to provide data necessary to complete the evaluation questionnaires.
3. The participant is obliged to complete the evaluation survey assessing forms of support before and after their termination. Templates of evaluation questionnaires are provided in Attachment No. 2 to the Regulations.
§ 10
Terms of resignation from participation in the project,
exclusion of a participant from the project
1. The participant has the right to resign from the Project in case of important reasons that could not be predicted at the stage of recruitment (e.g. illness, taking up employment whose place of work or hours collide with the participation in the Project). Project participant is obliged to immediately submit a statement of resignation from participation in the project (attachment no. 3), along with the reason. Information about resignation should be delivered directly to the Project Office or to the e-mail address
2. Candidate may resign from participation in the Project up to 3 working days before the established date of participation in a given form of support by submitting such information in writing, i.e. via e-mail or personally.
3. The Project Participant may be excluded from the Project in case of non-compliance with the provisions of these Regulations.
§ 11
Final resolutions
1. The Voivodeship Labor Office in Opole preserves the right to introduce changes in the Regulations in particular, if it is necessary due to changes in the Project implementation rules, as well as in case of a written order to introduce specific changes from the Ministry of Family and Social Policy or other bodies entitled to control the Project implementation.
2. Any changes to the Regulations will be published on the Project website and will be valid from the date of their publication, unless otherwise stated.
3. In the case of a decision of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy or other authorized bodies concerning the abandonment/stoppage of the Project, the Voivodeship Labor Office in Opole reserves the right to shorten the implementation period or to stop the Project.
4. In matters not covered by the Regulations, relevant rules and principles resulting from the program documents concerning FAMI and relevant provisions of national law, in particular the Act of April 23, 1964 - Civil Code and the Act of December 6, 2006 on the principles of conducting the policy ( Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1057, as amended).
5. The Regulations are valid for the duration of the Project.
List of attachments:
Attachment No. 1a - Declaration of participation in the project and statement of consent for processing of personal data ( for an adult),
Attachment No. 1b - Declaration of participation in the project and the statement of consent to personal data processing (for children),
Attachment No. 2a - Preliminary evaluation questionnaire,
Attachment No. 2b - Final evaluation questionnaire,
Attachment No. 3 - Declaration on resignation from the participation in the project.