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Do you want to learn Polish from scratch or maybe you want to develop your Polish language skills and deepen your knowledge of Poland and Polish culture? Take advantage of free Polish language courses for adults and children.  

Within the activities of the Foreigners' Integration Center, by 2022 we have trained almost 200 adults interested in learning Polish on different levels and 50 children on A1 level.

If you already speak Polish, but you need additional support in technical/specialized Polish, we can also help you. Within the project in 2022, we financed a course of technical Polish for 80 adults. 

Remember, knowing the language of the country you're staying in, no matter how long you plan to stay there, will make it easier to function in everyday life, and additionally will allow you to meet new people who, like you, want to learn Polish😊.

If you're interested in our offer, please contact us, we'll give you more information.